MPP213 Course Recital

Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18.30 — 21.30
Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544

Chamber music groups enrolled in MPP213 (Projects in Instrumental Performance: Chamber Music) for the fall 2023 term present their term-end recital.


Tienne Yu and Sean Park violin
Albert Zhou viola
Jack Gallahan cello
Tomoko Fujita instructor

BEETHOVEN String Quartet No. 14 in C-sharp minor, op. 131

plus additional works performed by other groups

Albert W. Zhou
Albert W. Zhou

I’m a research technician at Caltech developing CRISPR-based gene editing tools in rove beetles. In my free time, I enjoy playing the viola, taking lengthy walks, riding and learning about public transportation, and entertaining various whimsical — and sometimes transient — interests.